
Français à l'étranger
29 novembre 2023

TotalEnergies committed to the UAE

TotalEnergies is present in the UAE across all elements of the energy sector and, through its many joint ventures, prides itself on being ADNOC’s number one partner.

Moreover, TotalEnergies has operational presence through its affiliates, TotalEnergies Renewables Distribution Generation Middle East and Africa, TotalEnergies Renewables International, TotalEnergies Marketing Middle East, and via its trading branch TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping SA. TotalEnergies operated Total Abu Al Bukhoosh field for 47 years of production until, 8th March 2021.  In November 2022, TotalEnergies E&P UAE relinquished its operational role and became a 10% stakeholder of ADNOC in its TotalEnergies Unconventional Gas operation.

Since 1939, TotalEnergies’ activities have evolved in the energy sector, through its value-added presence that included technical assistance, knowledge transfer, and human capacity building, its secondment of experienced TotalEnergies personnel and developing national talents.

In the upstream sector, through continuous investment in the most advanced technology and by sharing our regional and worldwide expertise, we are committed to meet the energy needs of a growing population while affirming its ambition to be a major player in the energy transition. We contribute towards unleashing the value of the country’s oil and gas resources, while always setting and maintaining the highest HSE standards

Overview of TotalEnergies’ presence in the UAE

  • ADNOC Offshore concession: since March 2018, participating interests in Umm Shaif/Nasr and Lower Zakum concessions for 40 years, totaling around 20% of Abu Dhabi production and since March 2023 on Sarb & Umm Lulu.
  • ADNOC Onshore concession: covering the 15 major onshore fields of Abu Dhabi and representing more than half of the Emirate’s production, license extended for 40 years in 2015.
  • ADNOC Gas Processing: producing NGL and condensates.
  • Dolphin Energy Ltd: sells gas from the Dolphin Block in Qatar to the UAE and Oman.
  • ADNOC LNG: capacity of 5.8 Mt/y, a company which processes the associated gas produced by ADNOC Offshore in order to produce LNG, LPG and condensates.
  • National Gas Shipping Company (NGSCO): a company in charge of chartering the tankers and to supply logistic resources for the needs of ADNOC LNG.
  • Ruwais Diyab unconventional gas concession: in November 2018, ADNOC signed an agreement with TotalEnergies granting a 40% operating interest. Start of exportation of the unconventional gas to the domestic market in June 2021. A new concession agreement to launch the development of the field (TotalEnergies 10%) is under approval (expected April 2023).
  • Abu Al Bukhoosh: after 40 years of oil production, the license expired in March 2021.

TotalEnergies’ contribution to Society Development in the UAE

TotalEnergies has a long-standing relationship with the UAE and its rulers. In the 1970s, it was offered the opportunity to contribute to the growth of the country outside of oil and gas related activities.

TotalEnergies committed to the development of agriculture through the first agricultural experimental center of Al Ain which was inaugurated on March 19, 1972, by H.H. Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in the presence of Victor de Metz, honorary president of TOTAL-CFP. Shaikh Zayed was a pioneer in diversifying the UAE’s activities with a vision of sustainability ahead of his time. TotalEnergies in the UAE brought the latest agricultural technologies and produced tomatoes, leafy vegetables, as well as high quality date palms efficiently using seri-culture. This was a significant start in the field of agriculture, which progressed from there on.

TotalEnergies is committed to support the UAE’s legacy, and together, they are writing the next decade’s pages targeting the Net Zero Emission in 2050.

TotalEnergies working together with social stakeholders

TotalEnergies in the UAE contributes to the society by focusing on four priority focus areas for youth (Inclusion and Education – Road Safety – Climate, Coastal Areas and Oceans -Cultural Dialogue and heritage), aligned with our ambition to become the responsible energy major, our history, and our values have been identified.

Environment Agency Abu Dhabi

TotalEnergies UAE is engaged to participate to collaborate on progress, challenges, needs and planning on carbon sequestration, nature-based solutions, and optimizing soil amendment and quality for mangroves, seagrass and salt marsh growth and productivity.

In 2022, TotalEnergies in the UAE and Environment Agency Abu Dhabi conducted an outreach Environment Awareness program.

This resulted in multiple achievements, for example, the Development of Naturally Educated Podcast, the organization of 3 virtual sessions on sustainable topics – importance of Mangroves, the status of seagrass meadows in Abu Dhabi waters and the conservations aspects of seagrass including restauration & an awareness session for university students on the new regulations about single use plastic in Abu Dhabi. Last part not the least, Murshed Program organized to train students to develop skills to become future Rangers.

More than 2,500 students benefited from this program.

Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation (ADMAF)

TotalEnergies Foundation in the UAE launched the Sustainability Design Award alongside its partner ADMAF. This award aims to highlight the outstanding innovation and achievement by young Emiratis in the field of sustainable design and architecture and to encourage creative practice by providing a launch-pad for emerging designers and architects across in the UAE.

Maitha Alhammadi was the winner for the Design Commission award in 2022. Her project “Agro-Industrial Tourism” imagines a sustainable destination between Etihad Rail and the UAE’s agricultural setting that merges agriculture, tourism, soil and aquifer treatment, utilising waste from the UAE’s dates industry such as seeds and spoiled dates.

As she was the winner, she had the honour of having her work displayed in Abu Dhabi Festival 2023.

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